The Angaza Resource Centre (ARC)

Located at Merowa Junior School in Kibuli, Makindye Division, the first Angaza Resource Centre was opened on 1st July, 2023.

The Angaza Resource Centre (ARC) is a child-friendly safe space within an underserved community furnished with learning resources that are freely accessible by community schools and out-of-school children.

The ARC will benefit at least 3,000 children, giving them access to learning aids such as books, computers, games and other resources they would ordinarily have no access to.  It offers a safe space for children to play and interact with their peers.

It is also a place for out of school children to learn hands-on skills that can contribute to their economic wellbeing in the future.

Additionally, teachers receive to equip them with skills for learner-centred education, resource making, inclusivity and leadership. Trainings conducted included phonics, ICT, and early grade assessment.  This is all done at no cost to the beneficiaries.

The Angaza Resource Centre is premised on 4040's work with the Angaza Programme which focuses on building and strengthening children’s life skills such as self-awareness, community agency and resourcefulness alongside literacy.

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