4040 hosts a conversation on Mental Health

The 40 Days Over 40 Smiles Foundation (4040) held this year’s second edition of the 4040 Hangout on 13th July, 2024, at Multitech Business School.

Dubbed “Let’s talk, listen and heal together”, the Hangout aimed at tackling mental health concerns and was attended by 21 young people who serve as volunteers at the Foundation.

Conversations on mental health are important but often difficult to start, especially among young people. 4040 organised the Hangout to create a platform and safe space for volunteers to speak freely about their thoughts and feelings.

The guest speaker was Ms. Justine Nakitende, a Clinical Psychologist from Safe Spaces Uganda, a private mental, neurological, and addiction treatment Centre.

Understanding mental health

Ms. Justin Nakitende highlighted that mental health entails psychological, emotional and social well-being.

“Mental health is what you think, feel and how you behave and this influences how you relate with others and the choices you make.”

Ms. Nakitende emphasised that there is a difference between mental health challenges and illnesses and the failure to recognise and understand the difference has increased stigma and hindered people from seeking help. Mental health challenges are psychosocial and can be temporary while mental illness takes a long period.

“Because we often confuse mental health challenges and illnesses, people who experience challenges that can be treated in a short period, such as depression, fear to seek help because of the stigma associated with it,” Nakitende noted.

Ms. Juliana Namusoke [not real name], a Hangout attendee attested to stigma as a hindrance to seeking help, decrying the lack of support and understanding from friends, colleagues and family members.

“Most people in my circle [do not get] this. They think that mental health is not an African challenge. In our workplaces, our employers have not made any efforts to make it easy or normal to get help because they do not believe in mental health challenges. At home, this is not a conversation that takes place either.” Namusoke said.

According to Ms. Nakitende, there are over 300 mental health diagnoses but the most common include depression, anxiety and bipolar. These are diagnosed after 2 weeks of experiencing symptoms such as; loss of sleep, appetite, loss of interest in hobbies, little or no self-care, poor concentration, self-harm, among others.

Mental health challenges are caused and/or exacerbated by factors such as grief, poverty, bullying, change of environment, childhood trauma, abuse, addiction and peer pressure, among others.

Treatment for mental health challenges

According to Ms. Nakitende, mental health challenges can be treated after conducting an assessment with a healthcare professional. She noted that some mental health conditions can be treated by psychological therapies and/or medication, where necessary.

Ms. Nakitende noted that Safe Places Uganda employs holistic techniques while treating mental health conditions, which are medical, psychological, physical and spiritual.

“Where necessary, we use all the techniques to help a patient get better. Sometimes we organise sessions with spiritual leaders, physical activities such as aerobics alongside therapy and medication.”

It was emphasised that it is important to seek help for mental health concerns. Justine encouraged participants to be active agents of mindset change around the issue, starting with themselves, friends, family and their other networks.

“If we want change, it has to begin with us. We need to start having conversations in our homes about these issues so that they are normalised. It will encourage more people to seek help. It will nurture safe environments for people experiencing mental health challenges to fully show up.” Justine said.

If you need mental health services, reach out to Safe Places Uganda via email at info@safeplacesuganda.com or call 0782 740522. Visit www.safeplacesuganda.com to learn more.

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