#4040Night makes a return to stock chairs at the Angaza Resource Centre


While the 40 Days Over 40 Smiles Foundation (4040) postponed its iconic event dubbed #4040Night from July, it is making a grand return on Friday 4th October, 2024, at the Tales Lounge in Bukoto. 



The Foundation has curated fun activities including quiz (under the theme “Unbreakable spirit. Unstoppable game”), karaoke, board games and more entertainment. 

You can participate as a quiz team with a minimum of 5 players and a maximum of 15, at Ugx 300,000 or as an individual at Ugx 20,000. 

#4040Night can be a great team building activity for your company or just a great Friday night gathering for friends and family. It is a chance to have fun for a good cause.

I anticipate a well-organised event with a variety of fun activities, such as interactive card games that encourage people to connect.” Isaac Munanira, a 4040 Night attendee. 

The quiz winner  will receive a grand prize of Ugx 1,000,000 while the first and second runners up will get Ugx 700,000 and 400,000, respectively

Only teams that register prior to the event will be eligible for the prizes. The deadline for team registration is 30th September 2024

Call or send a message via Whatsapp 0776 840407/ 0757 140407 to register your team. 

The Foundation organises #4040Night to fundraise for its causes. This edition of the event is dedicated to the procurement of chairs for the Angaza Resource Centre(ARC).

If you are not attending the event, you can still donate money, other materials such as books, computers, or games, or partner with 4040 to provide in kind support.  

Over the years, the success of 4040 Night has been a testament to the power of partnerships. One of the event’s key collaborators, Agandy Studios, expressed their motivation for joining forces with 4040 and their expectations for the evening.

“The event is important to the community because it plants seeds of philanthropy. It inspires everyone who takes part to participate in nation-building and we are proud to support 4040’s initiative to bring holistic education to underserved communities.” Ninno Amanyire.

“We hope to be able to capture the experiences and moments of people having fun while we give back to underprivileged children,” he added.

Why the Angaza Resource Centre matters

The Foundation established the Centre for children that attend underserved schools in Kibuli and the surrounding communities to have access to learning aids that are often out of reach. 

The Centre provides books, computers, games and a safe space for children to study and interact with their peers. 

Since its inception, the ARC has played a critical role in bridging the gap for children who face significant barriers to education. 

Over 200 children have been reached on a weekly basis through the library and computer lab. This has improved their computer proficiency, reading, comprehension and spelling skills, as attested by the learners and teachers. 

Literacy sessions for children

My favourite activity at the ARC is computer lessons. I know how to type in Microsoft word. I also know how to switch on a computer. By the time I am in P.7, I will be a pro” Alex Okello (not real name), P.5 pupil, Valerian Primary School. 

The Centre’s impact extends beyond the learners to their stewards. It has also been instrumental in training teachers in learner-centred education. 

So far, we have conducted trainings on phonics, Early Grade Reading Assessment and Resource Making and ICT. This professional development has enabled educators to deliver more effective and engaging lessons, significantly improving the quality of sessions delivered to children.

“…The coming of the Centre is a blessing to us, the teachers and the children. The good thing is, they teach the children and us too. All I can say is, we are using the lessons in class and it is helpful.” Ms. Athieno Francis, teacher at Quentin Junior School. 

The Foundation has also designed programmes for teenagers (in and out of school) that focuses nurturing skills such as critical thinking, teamwork, resourcefulness, essay writing, alongside ICT. The programme has also offered an opportunity and a safe space for about 50 young people to network, cross learn and interact with their peers.

The 40 Days Over 40 Smiles Foundation, founded in 2012, is driven by the conviction to enhance literacy and learning opportunities for vulnerable children. Through initiatives such as the ARC, 4040 has made significant strides in increasing school enrollment, retention, and access to quality education in underserved communities.

For further information, contact us by email at info@40daysover40smiles.org, Tel; 0776840407/0757140407 or visit our website, www.40daysover40smiles.org to learn more. 

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